A Senior Cycle
Seniors Neha Chandrakanth, Rhea Gupta, Khavya Harihara, Reva Bhalero, and Arushi Das laugh together while eating breakfast during the Senior Sunrise.
December 1, 2022
On the morning of Friday, October 7, JP Stevens seniors energetically filed into the football stadium carrying their blankets, coffees, and breakfasts, eagerly awaiting the sunrise. Seniors spread throughout the field hoping to find a good spot to watch the sunrise with their friends and classmates. As a result of the preparation of the Class of 2023 officers and the support of the faculty who supervised the event, the Senior Sunrise was a success.
Students entered through the gate by the tennis courts and were greeted by their class officers who welcomed them onto the turf field. The Class of 2023 decided to keep the entrance fee low at $2 in hopes of more people attending while still being able to fundraise a portion for their senior prom. Upon entering, students set down their blankets and headed to retrieve their breakfast, including bagels and various breakfast burritos. In addition to the food, steaming hot chocolate and refreshing fruit punch were provided.
“The memories I made were very fun,” senior Ankita Chinnakotla commented. “Waking up at 5:30 a.m. and getting food and laughing with friends was definitely a memory to keep.”
After walking onto the turf, seniors were immediately met with the JP Stevens scoreboard displaying the number 2023 throughout the screens, adding to the glamor of the event. Though the actual sunrise was not as extravagant as expected with some trees hiding the sunrise from view, it still left a lasting impression on those who attended.
“I really enjoyed the food and hot chocolate,” senior Anjali Vajjala said. “The scoreboard having 2023 on it was a cute idea and the event was planned very well overall.”
The Senior Sunrise has become an essential part of many students’ last year of high school. Beginning with the Class of 2022, this tradition has become a focal part of the year, marking the beginning of the end of a chapter. The event is followed by the Senior Sunset at the end of the year, where students gather again after-school to celebrate the end of the school year.
“The Senior Sunrise marks an important part of our last year at JP,” senior Prahalad Rana said. “I am glad to have witnessed it and to have had an opportunity to spend time with the entire grade.”
The experience that many seniors shared at the Senior Sunrise was a rousing success and was considered an excellent start to their final year at JP. The Class of 2023 is now excited to experience the Senior Sunset towards the end of the school year, signifying the end of their high school journey.