A Warm Welcome to Ms. Olenchak

Hitha Srinivas, Features Writer

Ms. Liana Olenchak, a new Culinary Arts teacher at JP Stevens, spent 11 years in the culinary and retail fields and worked in several bakeries, hotels, and restaurants. Specifically, she taught new employees how to bake and taught a lot of cake decorating classes in retail. Prior to that, she earned an associate’s degree from the Restaurant School at Walnut Hill College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Hospitality at Marywood University in Scranton, PA 

“I always wanted to be in culinary,” Ms. Olenchak said. “In grade school, I always wanted to be a teacher. However, once I went to high school, my career thought changed. I did not think it was possible for me to combine the two.”

Along with teaching, Ms. Olenchak is the advisor for FCCLA, an organization that focuses on developing leadership and many other useful skills for students. Ms. Olenchak did not have this organization when she attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School, though she is certainly glad to be pioneering it now. Being a part of FCCLA, she looks forward to seeing students develop as leaders and how members participate within the club.

Ms. Olenchak believes in providing a safe, comfortable environment where students are allowed to be creative. She expresses that culinary is a field where a student can make various combinations of flavors and the result would have a different and exciting outcome each time. She also provides students the opportunity of having food when they come to her classroom by giving them samples of what she and her classes have cooked that week. So far, she enjoys working with the students and educating them on Culinary Arts.

During her free time, Ms. Olenchak loves to watch live music and admires the various pop, rock, and classical music options provided in New Jersey. Additionally, she likes going to the beach regardless of how cold it might be. She is fond of the serenity and reflective moments it can provide. Ms. Olenchak’s favorite show is “Gilmore Girls” and she habitually watches it to the point where she can naturally recite the lines.

Ultimately, she is very excited to start her teaching career at JP. She looks forward to instilling the art and joy of cooking and baking in her students and exploring as the school year goes on. 

“I am loving JP so far,” Ms. Olenchak said. “Although I was a bit nervous coming to a high school setting, the kids are awesome and everyone has been very welcoming, along with the administration, teachers, and staff.”