December Hawk Horoscopes

Srinidhi Rajaraman

As the holiday season reaches full swing and the new year looms around the corner, there are many important things taking place for the signs. Here’s some advice: try to relax this holiday season! 


This month will be quite calm for you. Your love life looks promising as well, so best of luck in that sphere. You may receive important academic opportunities with the new year, so make the best of them. And another word of advice: invest in cough drops; sickness is worrisome this season.


Things are going to turn around for you in terms of grades. It might require some hard work, but you will bring your grades up and receive more academic opportunities. Put hours into your studies and your hard work will pay off.


This month seems very ordinary for you. Aside from favorable extracurricular opportunities, you have a boring month ahead. It’s tough not having anything special for this month, but remember that life goes on.


There’s nothing too exciting in the books for you this month, but you may experience a few minor inconveniences. Hopefully things will be more chill by the time January rolls around, so don’t let it get you down!


You may have had some communication difficulties with family members or significant others recently, so make sure to talk to them about any problems you may be facing. Remember to keep your family and friends in mind this holiday season!


There may be people in your social circles that don’t have your best interests at heart, so pluck them out of your life like weeds whenever you spot them. Many of your problems are easily solved, so keep a steady heart and fight on!


You need to learn that you can’t always be in control; sometimes, you have to let things happen and just make the best of them. Furthermore, you may reconnect with someone from your past in the coming weeks. Make good choices. 


Your health and grades will flourish this month, but keep in mind your relationships as well. In fact, you’ll probably want to stay away from love interests in an effort to focus on yourself and your grades. Take this time to reflect on yourself and make positive changes. 


You may want to focus on your relationship with your family this month.  On a positive note, maybe your family will go on vacation. This will probably improve the relationships and bonds you have with your parents. Keep your siblings in mind as well.


Things could go either way for you this month: quite well, or poorly. You’re always in a hurry to improve, so try slowing down and actually address your problems. Remember, it’s not a crime to talk about your feelings.


You seem to be doing well in school. This gives you time to focus on other things, for example your mental health. Try to relax instead of working yourself hard – you deserve a break.


Honestly, your grades, extracurriculars, and social life should be doing good. It’s up to you to take your life into your hands and be assertive. Get a hold of yourself and start expressing your feelings. Don’t let such a good opportunity go to waste!