Answers from Dr. Hawk – Chapter 1

Balan Selva, Editor

How do I survive dating life at JP? – AK

Sometimes, teachers will tell you that the best questions can’t be answered in one word. This is not one of those questions, AK. In this case, there is a very simple answer, and that answer is “don’t.”

Listen, this is JP Stevens High School. If the number of people you have dated is higher than the number of times you have taken the SAT, you are doing something wrong. Any time you spend engaging in things like “enjoying your youth” or “love” is time you could have been spending rising and grinding. Consider this the next time you get asked out.

A book I once read listed the first trick to surviving a ninja attack as “Don’t travel to Japan.” Similarly, don’t date, and your odds of survival are as high as can be.

How do I get a leadership position in a club? – Mahmood

Mahmood, getting a leadership position requires a lot of things. I mean, in theory, what it requires is leadership ability and knowledge of the club material such as business affairs for FBLA and healthcare for HOSA.

In reality, there is only one thing you need: the ability to network. People say it’s silly to have a LinkedIn account in high school. The reality is that those people simply lack in connections, and they will undoubtedly be lacking leadership positions once senior year rolls around.

When was the last time you attended a black-tie dinner? Have you been discussing the investment of rare fish with your peers? Perhaps considering the blockchain and its infinite possibilities? If you haven’t, consider the fact that perhaps not everyone is fit to lead. If you have been doing these things, and still no large club offers you a leadership position, all you need to do is make one of your own—a JP tradition for the fall of senior year.

—Dr. Hawk

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