The Musical Ms. McElroy

Grace Lo, Staff Writer

Ms. Regina McElroy is a new choir teacher at JP Stevens. She graduated from Moravian University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with a passion for music and teaching. Fresh out of college, this is her first year teaching. Ms. McElroy’s decision to become a teacher has a unique backstory. She always knew she wanted to be a teacher, but when it came to what subject she wanted to teach, she was a little uncertain at first—that is until her sophomore year of high school. After pondering on what she wanted to teach, Ms. McElroy realized she could find it fulfilling to teach music as it is an integral aspect of her life. She knew she would enjoy instilling her love of music in others, particularly in the developing minds of high school students.

“Singing is something everybody should try,” Ms. McElroy said. “I could not personally live without music.”

Although she knew she wanted to be a teacher, teaching was more difficult than she had anticipated. There were many routines to get used to, such as learning all the students’ names, lesson planning, and getting students acquainted with school again after the summer break.

“All teaching is very difficult,” Ms. McElroy said. “But the best thing about teaching music is that anybody can learn to sing.”

She describes her current time at JP to be really fantastic and believes that the students are the best part. She enjoys meeting new people every day and believes that everyone is truly talented. 

Besides her interest in music, Ms. McElroy also enjoys embroidery, baking, and going to national parks (she has traveled to 48 states and has visited most of the national parks within each state). Sticking with her love and passion for music, she was also in the marching band as part of the color guard in high school.

Ms. McElroy is very excited to be a part of the school community. Aside from supporting choir students, she would also like to help uplift the school environment and spread positivity. She acknowledges that simple behaviors like smiling can help make it a more joyous school year for all.

“Find something to smile about every day,” she said. “Find something every day that makes you happy.”