“Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la…” the choir harmonizes, providing a sense of happiness and holiday spirit lingering in the air. The choir students of John P. Stevens High School caroled down the school hallways, spreading holiday cheer. Exciting conversations about vacations and winter plans buzz around the school, happiness in the air. With the excitement of running out of school and winter break approaching, students eagerly wait for school to end and they can’t help but glance at the clock often, in anticipation of the final bell.
The sound of the last bell echoes throughout the hallways as the students in all the classes jump up with joy. Making a quick stop at their lockers, they all run out of the school, with grins on their faces.
Walking on the busy sidewalks of J.P Stevens as students prepare to travel home before the break is a magical moment. Everyone snuggles in their jackets, shivering from the freezing temperature outside. As the Christmas chatter continues, snowflakes start to gently fall down, enhancing the moment of happiness and love.
The students greatly enjoy the break, finally having quality time with their loved ones. Some may go on trips and experience unpredictable adventures, while others may stay at home and embrace the cherishing moments with their families and friends.
However, heartwarming moments eventually end, making us value our time and not take all those memories for granted. With this in mind, the winter break soon ended and the students of John P. Stevens High School traveled back for the remaining half of their school year. Despite many of the students not wanting to go back to their usual school routine, the atmosphere in J.P. Stevens changed throughout the magical holiday season that all the students experienced. For with a new year, there are revived chances and new memories to experience. So with this, remember to always cherish the present times as they never last forever and to enjoy the memories you make as you only live once.