Competition is a huge part of the JP community. Many students participate in countless events, showcasing their unique talents and skills. Competitions drive students to success and motivate them to improve their skills as well as foster communication with others. They are beneficial to fostering the success of individuals by motivating them to improve and hone their skills.
Additionally, societal norms play a huge part in influencing students’ perspectives on competition. Societal norms have been a major factor in influencing the decisions students make when determining what competitions to participate in. Students are involved in many competitions such as STEM, art, history, and much more! These competitions play an important role in giving students exposure to different subjects that align with their future careers. Many societal norms have been implemented in society, such as teamwork, where society is enforced to value collaboration over winning. As a result, many students strive to communicate with others and are motivated to share ideas with one another. Societal norms can lead to healthy competition where students work together in a positive atmosphere without the pressure to succeed. However, students are also motivated to compete against one another due to the negative conventions imposed by society. Society often values winning competitions as the top priority, most likely leading to unhealthy competition between students. Nonetheless, the norms imposed by society are the main aspects that decide whether or not a student succeeds in a competition.
Competitions can be either beneficial or detrimental to students, depending on the societal norms that are imposed in their environment. Many students can flourish and thrive in competitions where societal norms are imposed for the benefit of collaboration and teamwork. Nevertheless, many students are coerced in an environment where societal norms are seen as an expectation: the expectation to succeed under pressure. Ultimately, the student’s performance in a competition heavily depends on the societal norms being imposed by society as well as their choices in achieving success.