Mr. Danik

Mr. Danik, a special-education teacher at JP Stevens, is retiring this year after 40 years of teaching. Mr. Danik was born and raised in the Edison community and attended St. Thomas Aquinas High School and West Virginia University. During his time in Edison, he witnessed first-hand the transformation of the Edison community from a rural to a more suburban town. 

Mr. Danik first developed a passion for teaching due to the impact his past teachers had on him. With the help of his school teachers, Mr. Danik was able to amend his past actions and gain a greater respect for others, showing him the impact a teacher can have on a student. He wished to do that someday for someone else, a goal that he has successfully achieved. “I teach 5 periods with about 20 children in each class,” Mr. Danik explains. “That being said, I have the ability to impact over 100 students’ lives each day.”

Mr. Danik’s unwavering love for teaching also comes from the energy given off by students of all ages. He understands the inevitable ups and downs in life and enjoys being around high schoolers and their energy—whether positive or negative. 

Mr. Danik emphasizes the importance of staying calm and free from stress. He believes it is vital for students and teachers alike to relax and focus on more important parts of life. Every day, he tries to make at least one person smile, allowing him to leave a positive impact on those around him. He asserts, “When one is focused on due dates and deadlines, they tend to miss the ride of life.”

Mr. Danik’s time outside of school is spent relaxing at his home and watching sports on the television with the occasional trip to tropical destinations. His two children are adults and have jobs of their own, so family reunions are always full of joyous exchanges. 

“It has been a great experience,” says Mr. Danik. “A class full of students waiting to learn was all that it took to motivate me to teach every day. If I had the ability to redo my life over again, the one thing I know I wouldn’t change is the fact that I’ve spent my life making a difference in this school community.” 

Overall, Mr. Danik greatly enjoyed his time at JP Stevens and has made a substantial impact on both the JP community and his students.