Senior Profile: Aditya Vishanan

Simar Rajpal, Staff Writer

Aditya Vishanan is a remarkable bowler who has made a significant impact in helping the JP Stevens bowling team succeed throughout his high school career. Throughout the season, Aditya showcased his exceptional talent and achieved impressive results. His highest game of 268 shows his ability to perform at the highest level. As the Bowling Captain, Aditya’s dedication and leadership have been invaluable to the team’s success this season. Due to all his hard work, Aditya was honored with the prestigious Captain’s Award. 

Aditya’s set score of 662 shows his ability to score high over multiple games consistently. With an average of 188.28 pins per game, Aditya has been an incredible asset to the team. Aditya finished his last year of JPS bowling, bowling 47 games this season and knocking down an incredible 8,849 pins. From his experiences, Aditya has advice for future bowlers to help continue the success of JPS Bowling. 

“Focus on consistency and accuracy, taking each shot one at a time,” said senior Captain Aditya Vishanan. “Remember, spares, not strikes, win games, so always try to hit your mark consistently.”

Under Aditya’s leadership, the bowling team finished the season with a 9-7-1 record in the white division of the GMC. Individually, he also placed 37th in the 2023 GMC Individuals Boys Qualification, further showcasing his exceptional bowling skills. 

“Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on my incredible journey with JPS Bowling,” said Senior Captain Aditya Vishanan. “I am truly blessed to have had such remarkable teammates and an exceptional coach by my side.”

Aditya’s positive attitude and desire to help his teammates show his character as a leader and serve as an inspiration for future bowlers. Future bowlers will remember his impact on JPS Bowling as an example of a leader and an exceptional athlete.