The Best, by Par

Vishali Vijayakumar, Staff Writer

The JP Stevens girls golf team has set an inspiring example of athleticism while simultaneously showcasing their skills and dedication on the course. The girls varsity team was able to work tirelessly to hone their skills and compete against some of the toughest opponents in the region. From the start of the season, the girls have shown great promise, winning their first few tournaments by impressive margins. As the season progressed, the competition gradually turned even more difficult, but it was only paired with the motivated focus and determination of the team. Their training sessions focused on improving their scores and maintaining a team dynamic to relieve nerves during competitions. Practicing swings and putting techniques, their victories were only a testament to their skills. 

The team’s hard work and dedication were not only driven by their aim to win. Instead, it was the product of the team’s spirit of camaraderie and support for one another. Even when the pressure was on, the girls remained positive and supportive of one another. They truly embodied the concept of teamwork, and their success was a testament to their power of collaboration and mutual support. Led by the two team captains, seniors Mahika Arora and Simran Hingorani, the girls were focused on the significant victories as well. Their goal for the season was to rank in the top 5 for GMCs and reduce their overall group score. They achieved their ranking goal and are continuing to drop their group score. 

The girls are friends on and off the course, as they have several traditions to build up their team spirit. Practicing with one another, one of their main traditions was having “queen of the green” competitions before matches. These casual competitions allowed them to practice to reduce their scores. The girls also take part in events, such as the Off Against Hunger Event in April, to give back to their communities. Additionally, to help the organization, Hands Of Hope, the girls played at Top Golf and donated cans towards the event, all while becoming friends with players from other schools. 

The team’s strong work ethic and positive attitude have quickly become evident. With the guidance of Coach Siter, the girls have finished the season with an 11-1 record. Prideful of their wins, this year’s record is the best that they have performed in years. Their victory over one of their biggest competitors, South Brunswick High School, was also a point of significance, allowing them to finish 4th overall in the county. Their top three players were also able to finish in the top 15 in the county, ranking them ninth in the state. The season was a true indicator of the girls’ abilities and the result of their positive attitudes.