February Hawk Horoscopes

Shreyaah Iyer, Staff Writer

February Horoscopes

As we step into the new year, there are many exciting things occurring this month for the different zodiacs ranging from better grades, stronger decisions, and thrilling love life. 



Congratulations: this month will be very life-changing for you. You will be socially active and this month will be very exciting. Remember – always try new things and meet new people! You will meet someone very special, whether it be a friend, romantic prospect, or mentor; this person will have the potential to change your life. 



This month you will enjoy your life to the fullest! As love blossoms this month, your creativity will blossom as well. Your hard work will finally pay off as you will encounter love, beauty, and wealth. This will bring abundance in all aspects of your life. 



In February, you will spend most of your time relaxing and enjoying at home, which is much needed for you. You are relatively materialistic after all, and now you will have the opportunity to buy the things that your heart desires. This month will be relatively stress-free and will give you time to relax and de-compress, allowing you to focus on becoming closer to your friends and family, and, of course, yourself. 



February will be a very romantic month for you and will be full of surprises. You will deepen your current relationships, and start new ones, especially romantically. As you start to build new relationships, you might start to become consumed in them and forget to focus on yourself. Keep in mind that this month you will confront your deepest fears and thoughts, so it is important that you face your emotions head-on rather than hide them. 



This month will be very prosperous for you! All of your personal goals that you have manifested and wished for will come true this month. As a Cancer, you tend to prioritize others first rather than yourself, so February will be a big, but positive, change for you!  You will enter March feeling extremely confident in yourself. 



February is a very relaxing and calm month for you. You will spend your weekends getting lots of rest, mentally and physically. February is all about you and your personal life; focusing on yourself emotionally. Mental health is very important, so it is good that you are starting to make a change. 



In February you will start spending more time alone with yourself and practicing self-care, which is very important. As a Virgo, you can tend to look out for other people and whether their needs are being validated. But in February you will also start to advocate for your boundaries and your needs in your relationships. After all of this self-development, the second half of February will be filled with love for you! 



As a Libra, you can be very codependent in your relationships and rely on your partner a bit too much. While being in a relationship can make it very tempting to spend all of your time with your significant other, it’s also very important to be independent and develop your own life and your own goals. February will allow you to become more independent and you will start to realize what you want, causing you to become more decisive as well. 



This month will be a very productive one in terms of your work life. You will gain many opportunities and your grades will be excellent. February will be full of hard work, but it will pay off. Just remember to practice self-care and take care of your mental health!



This month will prove to be very social for you. You will be busy the entire month with your friends and family, so also make sure to make time for yourself. You will have a lot of fun, and you will start to get to know your friends and family better. 



February will be full of happiness for you. You will flourish this month, professionally and personally. Your home life will be extremely happy, and you will also grow closer to the people around you, strengthening your relationships. 



As an Aquarius you tend to be quite detached and aloof, but February will bring out another side of you. This month will be filled with love and romance, and you might finally have a Valentine this year. Remember to let down your walls and allow yourself to form new friendships and relationships!