JP Teachers Then vs Now

Anuja Sharma, Staff Writer

Originally built in 1964, JP Stevens has undergone significant structural changes, expanding to accommodate all our students. However, JP has evolved in more ways than just the physical: the student population has increased, new clubs have been established, and the competitive atmosphere has intensified. To get the most accurate idea of how an education at JP has changed, just ask a student! Especially students who have graduated… and have come back to teach at their old high school. Many teachers at JP were once students here and decided to come back after attending college. Their decision to return to the classroom contributes to the ever growing success that the school achieves with each passing year.

As mentioned, JP has undergone several structural changes. Many teachers reminisced on the building prior to the addition of the A and B wings plus many new lockers and desks to accommodate the growing student population. 

“Some believe the school is becoming overpopulated; however, it really is great to welcome new students each year,” said a teacher. “The students are the life of the school and we can continue to renovate if it means we can continue to grow the diversity of talents in the school.”

Currently, JP offers classes of all levels to suit each student’s learning style. The school prides itself on its high-rigor classes that offer an environment where students are constantly learning. When talking to teachers who graduated from JP, they offered insight into what the academic nature was like 20 years prior. Many teachers suggest that JP classes were not as difficult in their time, but still were engaging enough to push students to apply themselves in different ways. Naturally, as with most schools, the academic rigor has increased over time. However, that begs the question: what stimulates this growth?  

“I think it’s each student’s desire to learn and continue to reach their full potential,” said a more recent teacher-alum. 

Students at JP work hard to prove themselves academically and it is that unwavering drive that reminds them that they have the power to succeed

JP is more than just its engaging academic nature. The school continues to excel athletically with over 15 different sports teams for both boys and girls. In fact, many of our teams compete in the red division, the highest in the state. Although new sports teams have been introduced, JP has always had a strong athletic program. In fact, some of our current teachers played on the soccer and volleyball teams, working hard to win all of the championships listed on the posters hanging up in the new gym. Athletics have always been a fundamental part of the school’s atmosphere, and the department has expanded over the years. 

“I always knew I wanted to come back to teach at JPS,” said a Class of 2009 alum. “To this day I’m still listening to and learning from teachers who had me as a student, which has allowed me to try different activities I wouldn’t have otherwise considered. I believe the comfort and familiarity I had with JPS allowed me to promote and replicate that same environment in my current classrooms.”

He explains how attending JP has affected his teaching style. His familiarity with the school helps him feel comfortable in his classroom and creates an environment in which students feel excited to learn and take on new challenges. 

Teachers play a huge role in student life, and JP alums understand what the environment is like. Former graduates can offer a new perspective and help students appreciate JP for what it has grown into, so much so that they may even be inclined to come back years later and take on a different role in the classroom.